Using Altera’s Quartus II, Nios II IDE and Sopc Builder development tools, the proton precession magnetometer principle host hardware platform is designed in a cyclone II series FPGA chip (EP2C35). The proton precession magnetometer principle host core circuit’s single-chip system-logic design is achieved by building and configuring the Nios II soft-core processor, developing the IO interface and sensor control circuits, programming some hardware units’ VHDL code, for example the equal precision cymometer and the DPLL. Through researching the embedded operating system configuration technology and building the NIOS II soft-core processor’s µClinux cross-compile environment, the µClinux system is transplanted to the NIOS II environment. Another important task is writing the device drivers’ and user programs’ code. Through these work, the design realize the host function and achieve the expected target.
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Drivers En Linux/ Linux Device Drivers
Kevin Tatroe,et al.
C Programming
Bai Yue,et al.
Hardware Description Language VHDL
Al Stevens,et al.
C programming
Neil Matthew,et al.
Beginning Linux Programming
Greg Kroah-Hartman,et al.
Linux Device Drivers
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Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment (2nd Edition)