1. Wayfinding: Choice and Search.- 1.1 Personal Experience or Alternative Introduction.- 1.2 Scope.- 1.3 Relevance of Route Choice Behavior Research.- 1.4 Structure of the Book.- 2. Route Choice Behavior Theory.- 2.1 Basic Definitions.- 2.2 Basic Assumptions.- 2.3 Spatial Behavior.- 2.4 Travel Behavior.- 2.5 Route Choice Behavior.- 3. Elements of Route Choice Behavior.- 3.1 Learning Networks.- 3.1.1 Learning and Spatial Ability.- 3.1.2 Learning and Spatial Knowledge.- 3.2 Choice Set Formation.- 3.2.1 Characteristics of Route Choice Situations.- 3.2.2 Cognition of Routes in Transport Networks.- 3.2.3 Constraints in Route Choice.- 3.2.4 Choice Set Generation.- 3.3 Route Choice Factors.- 3.3.1 Factors' Importance Hierarchy.- 3.3.2 Relative Importance of Choice Attributes.- 3.4 Perception of Route Attributes.- 3.4.1 General Observations.- 3.4.2 Perception of Travel Distance.- 3.4.3 Perception of Travel Time.- 3.4.4 Perception of Travel Speed.- 3.5 Evaluation of Routes and Choice Decision.- 3.6 Route Choice Dynamics.- 3.7 Route Choice in a Network Equilibrium Perspective.- 3.8 The Role of Experience.- 4. Observations of Route Choice Behavior.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Observation Methods.- 4.2.1 Laboratory Techniques.- 4.2.2 Real-world Behavior.- 4.2.3 Methodological Evaluation.- 4.3 Observations of Individual Behavior.- 4.4 Observations of Choice Situations.- 4.5 Actual Route Paths.- 4.5.1 Interviews.- 4.5.2 Self-Completion Questionnaires.- 4.5.3 Stalking.- 5. Route Choice Models.- 5.1 Modeling Approaches.- 5.2 Choice Set Generation Models.- 5.3 Random Utility Models.- 5.3.1 Random Utility Theory.- 5.3.2 Route Choice Utility Functions.- 5.3.3 Single Minimum Path Models.- 5.3.4 Multiple Path Logit Models.- 5.3.5 Multiple Path Probit Models.- 5.3.6 Risk Models.- 5.4 Production Rule Systems.- 5.4.1 Roots and Essence.- 5.4.2 Model characteristics.- 5.4.3 Hierarchical Route Structure - An Example.- 6. Applications.- 6.1 Review of Practice and Potential.- 6.2 Estimation of Traffic Volumes.- 6.2.1 Traffic Counts.- 6.2.2 Estimation of O-D Tables.- 6.3 Traffic Assignment.- 6.3.1 General Framework.- 6.3.2 Contemporary Models.- 6.4 Traffic Management Schemes.- 6.4.1 Nature and Potential Use.- 6.4.2 Plans and Schemes.- 6.5 Design of Networks and Facilities.- 6.5.1 Potential Effects of Route Considerations.- 6.5.2 Micro-Level Design.- 6.5.3 Macro-Level Design.- 6.6 Route Guidance Systems.- 6.6.1 Motives and Benefits.- 6.6.2 State of the Art.- 6.6.3 Non-Vehicle Related Aids.- 6.6.4 In-Vehicle Navigation Aids.- 6.6.5 Route Choice Related Research.- 7. Future Prospects.- 7.1 Congestion - How Much Can We Take?.- 7.1.1 Definitions and Trends.- 7.1.2 Possible Solutions.- 7.2 Route Choice and Congestion Relief.- 7.2.1 Navigational Waste.- 7.2.2 Telematics.- 7.2.3 Evaluation of Future Transport Systems.- Author Index.- Credits.