Using a group support system to support client assessment

The paper describes the application of a group decision support system (GDSS) to the work of a panel of public sector workers assessing the needs of clients for various forms of social support and benefit. In particular, the paper focuses on the development of consistency of approach to judgement when the workers come from a variety of professional backgrounds. The application is concerned with the introduction within Norway of an approach to the production of judgemental information relating to clients, and for its subsequent utilisation in a national system. The framework, known as GERIX, is intended to ensure that assistance and support is provided on a fair and equitable basis across the nation. The approach is centred on a set of criteria designed to enable a comprehensive review of a client situation to be undertaken. Data for a client, utilising the criteria, are based on judgemental assessments by professionals. It is, therefore, critical for all involved in these assessments to understand and apply the model in a consistent way. Results strongly suggest that the approach to group process support enhances individual learning of professionals who are required to utilise the GERIX framework.