Cis effect of the type 5 adenovirus E1A gene enhancer element on cellular transformation

Mutants of type 5 adenovirus that lack all or part of the early region IA(EIA) gene enhancer element transform rodent embryo fibroblast (CREF) cells at higher efficiencies than wild‐type virus. An analysis of viral E1A cytoplasmic mRNA levels in mutant and wild‐type virus‐infected CREF cells revealed no differences in the levels of the E1A mRNAs. This implies that a decrease in the rate of viral E1A gene expression was not responsible for the transforming properties of the enhancer‐less viruses. Unlike wild‐type virus, however, the mutant viruses were able to replicate their genomes in the normally nonpermissive CREF cells. This change in viral DNA template concentration further resulted in an increase in early gene mRNA concen‐trations in mutant‐virus‐infected CREF cells. These studies suggest several possible mechanisms that could be responsible for the increased transforming potentials of these viruses, including (1) a cis effect of removing the viral E1A enhancer element on the efficiency of viral DNA integration, (2) viral DNA replication, or (3) an increase in the levels of the viral E1A and EIB mRNAs owing to viral DNA replication in the virus‐infected CREF cells.

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