Manufatura enxuta: Uma revisao que classifica e analisa os trabalhos apontando perspectivas de pesquisas futuras

This work reviews the literature on Lean Manufacturing (LM). Until now, there was no complete literature review regarding this subject in the Operations Management literature. Based on this literature review it is proposed a LM classification system based on 4 main characteristics: methodology, comprehension, principles and enablers. The system is used to classify and to organize the papers. After that a general analyses of LM is performed. The LM analyses is based on 2 main points: i) a quantitative study of the methodology, comprehension, principles and enablers within LM papers; ii) a qualitative study regarding the main subjects and goals accomplished by the papers. The main contributions of this work are to contribute for mental clarification, communication and discovering new fields for research on LM.

[1]  Christer Karlsson,et al.  Change processes towards lean production , 1995 .

[2]  Rebecca Arkader,et al.  The perspective of suppliers on lean supply in a developing country context , 2001 .

[3]  Nick Oliver,et al.  Lean Production Practices: International Comparisons in the Auto Components Industry1 , 1996 .

[4]  R. Strattona,et al.  The strategic integration of agile and lean supply , 2022 .

[5]  Stefano Tonchia,et al.  Lean organization, management by process and performance measurement , 1996 .

[6]  Jens Ove Riis,et al.  A Strategic Approach to Develop Agile Manufacturing , 2001 .

[7]  Kenneth R. Morrison,et al.  Lean manufacturing optimization of automotive motor compartment system , 1996 .

[8]  Angappa Gunasekaran,et al.  Agile Manufacturing: Concepts and Framework , 2001 .

[9]  R. W. Schuring Operational autonomy explains the value of group work in both lean and reflective production , 1996 .

[10]  Kanton T. Reynolds,et al.  Cellular manufacturing & the concept of total quality , 1998 .

[11]  Peter T. Ward,et al.  Lean manufacturing: context, practice bundles, and performance , 2003 .

[12]  Victor R. Prybutok,et al.  The relationship between JIT practices and type of production system , 2001 .

[13]  J Prince,et al.  Combining lean and agile characteristics: Creation of virtual groups by enhanced production flow analysis , 2003 .

[14]  Denis Royston Towill,et al.  Lean, agile or leagile? Matching your supply chain to the marketplace , 2000 .

[15]  Paulo Ghinato,et al.  Sistema Toyota de produção: mais do que simplesmente Just-in-Time , 1995 .

[16]  Lluís Cuatrecasas Arbós Design of a rapid response and high efficiency service by lean production principles: Methodology and evaluation of variability of performance , 2002 .

[17]  Sumila Gulyani,et al.  Effects of Poor Transportation on Lean Production and Industrial Clustering: Evidence from the Indian Auto Industry , 2001 .

[18]  Richard Lamming,et al.  Squaring lean supply with supply chain management , 1996 .

[19]  Walton M. Hancock,et al.  Lean production: implementation problems , 1998 .

[20]  Pär Åhlström,et al.  Assessing changes towards lean production , 1996 .

[21]  Moacir Godinho Filho,et al.  Um sistema para classificar e codificar os trabalhos que relacionam o controle da produção e o controle da qualidade , 2003 .

[22]  Amrik S. Sohal,et al.  Developing a lean production organization: an Australian case study , 1996 .

[23]  Roger Dettmer,et al.  The lean machine , 1985 .

[24]  Steve Brown New evidence on quality in manufacturing plants - a challenge to lean production , 1998 .

[25]  Shigeo Shingo A Revolution in Manufacturing: The SMED System , 1985 .

[26]  Raphael Kaplinsky,et al.  The use of a lean production index in explaining the transition to global competitiveness: the auto components sector in South Africa , 2004 .

[27]  S. M. Meerkov,et al.  Due-time performance in lean and mass manufacturing environments , 1993, Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

[28]  Daniel T. Jones,et al.  From lean production to the lean enterprise , 1994 .

[29]  R. Barker The Design of Lean Manufacturing Systems Using Time‐based Analysis , 1994 .

[30]  John Paul Macduffie,et al.  Creating Lean Suppliers: Diffusing Lean Production through the Supply Chain , 1997 .

[31]  Eric Molleman,et al.  Characteristics of work organization in lean production and sociotechnical systems , 1996 .

[32]  Klas Eric Soderquist,et al.  Lean supply and price-based global sourcing — the interconnection , 2001 .

[33]  A. Sánchez,et al.  Lean indicators and manufacturing strategies , 2001 .

[34]  R. A. Dudek,et al.  A categorized survey of the JIT literature , 1991 .

[35]  S. Spear,et al.  Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System , 1999 .

[36]  Jon C. Yingling,et al.  Quantifying benefits of conversion to lean manufacturing with discrete event simulation: A case study , 2000 .

[37]  Matthias Holweg,et al.  Constraint batch sizing in a lean environment , 2001 .

[38]  Z. Irani,et al.  Working towards agile manufacturing in the UK industry , 1999 .

[39]  Christer Karlsson,et al.  Change Processes Towards Lean Production: The Role of the Management Accounting System , 1996 .

[40]  S. M. James‐Moore,et al.  Is lean manufacture universally relevant? An investigative methodology , 1997 .

[41]  Danny Berry,et al.  Leagility: Integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigms in the total supply chain , 1999 .

[42]  A. Harrison,et al.  From leanness to agility [manufacturing] , 1997 .

[43]  E. L. Steiner The importance of the supplier in the lean manufacturing process , 1997, Proceedings: Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Conference.

[44]  Kenneth R. Morrison,et al.  Transformation to lean manufacturing by an automotive component supplier , 1996 .

[45]  Yahaya Yusuf,et al.  A comparative study of lean and agile manufacturing with a related survey of current practices in the UK , 2002 .

[46]  Richard Lee Storch,et al.  Improving flow to achieve lean manufacturing in shipbuilding , 1999 .

[47]  Ian Hampson,et al.  Lean Production and the Toyota Production System Or, the Case of the Forgoften Production Concepts , 1999 .

[48]  Robert B. Johnston,et al.  Making Manufacturing Practices Tacit: A Case Study of Computer-Aided Production Management and Lean Production , 1995 .

[49]  Roberto dos Reis Alvarez,et al.  Takt-time: conceitos e contextualização dentro do Sistema Toyota de Produção , 2001 .

[50]  Michael Lewis,et al.  Lean production and sustainable competitive advantage , 2000 .


[52]  Roberto Filippini,et al.  Operations management research: some reflections on evolution, models and empirical studies in OM , 1997 .

[53]  A. Sánchez,et al.  Lean production and supplier relations: a survey of practices in the Aragonese automotive industry , 2000 .

[54]  P. Juliard Lean manufacturing: a process for all seasons , 1997, Proceedings: Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Conference.

[55]  David R. Nave,et al.  How to compare six sigma, lean and the theory of constraints , 2002 .

[56]  Peter G. Burcher,et al.  The road to lean repetitive batch manufacturing , 1996 .

[57]  Pär Åhlström Sequences in the implementation of lean production , 1998 .

[58]  Paul Forrester,et al.  A model for evaluating the degree of leanness of manufacturing firms , 2002 .

[59]  Russell D. Lansbury,et al.  Lean Production and Changing Employment Relations in the International Auto Industry , 1997 .


[61]  M. Maccoby IS THERE A BEST WAY TO BUILD A CAR , 1997 .

[62]  Moreno Muffatto Evolution of production paradigms: the Toyota and Volvo cases , 1999 .

[63]  Hiroshi Katayama,et al.  Lean production in a changing competitive world: a Japanese perspective , 1996 .

[64]  Joachim Knuf,et al.  Benchmarking the Lean Enterprise: Organizational Learning at Work , 2000 .

[65]  Nick Rich,et al.  The seven value stream mapping tools , 1997 .

[66]  Alan Robinson,et al.  Modern Approaches to Manufacturing Improvement: The Shingo System , 1990 .

[67]  K. Pawar,et al.  Product Development Strategies for Agility , 2001 .

[68]  P. Bruun,et al.  Lean production and the Internet , 2004 .

[69]  Wang Yi Dong Lean production and industrial engineering applied in China , 1995 .

[70]  Roberto Panizzolo,et al.  Applying the lessons learned from 27 lean manufacturers.: The relevance of relationships management , 1998 .

[71]  Chin-Fu Ho,et al.  Information Technology Implementation Strategies for Manufacturing Organizations: A Strategic Alignment Approach , 1996, PACIS.

[72]  B. G. Dale,et al.  Lean production: A study of application in a traditional manufacturing environment , 2000 .

[73]  Hiroshi Katayama Agility, Adaptability and Leanness: A Comparison of Concepts and a Study of Practice , 2001 .

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[77]  J. Gordon Murray,et al.  The application of lean supply in local government: the Belfast experiments , 1998 .

[78]  Kenneth K. Boyer An assessment of managerial commitment to lean production , 1996 .

[79]  Roberto Panizzolo,et al.  The assessment of work organization in lean production: the relevance of the worker’s perspective , 2000 .

[80]  Cipriano Forza,et al.  Work organization in lean production and traditional plants , 1996 .

[81]  Stewart Robinson,et al.  Applications of business process simulation and lean techniques in British Telecommunications PLC , 2000, 2000 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37165).

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[83]  Anna Kochan Automotive industry looks for lean production , 1998 .