Application of the ENS3DAE Euler/Navier-Stokes Aeroelastic Method

This paper discusses recent applications of the ENS3DAE computational aeroelasticity method. In particular, it describes aeroelastic and unsteady aerodynamics calculations performed on wings with trailing edge control surfaces. These simulations include the investigation of control reversal for a structurally flexible wing with a deflected control surface, and a static and dynamic analysis of a rigid wing with an oscillating control surface. The two sets of calculations were performed independently on different wings using different grid topologies. The control reversal simulation represents an inviscid Euler static aeroelastic analysis of a thin wing with a rectangular planform. The geometry of this wing makes it suitable for computations using more approximate, inviscid aerodynamics methods. Thus, the results of the present Euler computations are compared with numerical data generated by a validated computational aeroelasticity code which uses a simpler aerodynamic formulation. The second illustrated case involves the simulation of a significantly more complex flowfield and the static and dynamic analyses of this geometry were performed using the viscous Navier-Stokes equation option in ENS3DAE. Results of both the steady and unsteady calculations on this wing are compared with existing experimental data.