Quick Computing Core Algorithm Based on Simply Binary Discernibility Matrix

At present,the computing core algorithm based on binary discernibility matrix has the following shortcomings: the time complexity and space complexity is not good;the core acquired from this algorithm is not the core based on positive region.The professor Ye Dong-yi provided a new binary discernibility matrix and correspondence computing core algorithm,and proved that the core acquired from Ye's algorithm is the core based on positive region.The space complexity of computing the new binary discernibility matrix is the same as the old method,but computation of Ye's method is more than computation of the old method.In this paper,a simply binary discernibility matrix and correspondence computing core algorithm are provided.It is also proved that the core acquired from new algorithm is the core based on positive region.The time complexity and space complexity of the new algorithm are cut down max{O(|C|(|U~'_(pos)‖U/C|)),O(|C‖U|)}and max{O(|U|),O(|C|(|U~'_(pos)‖U/C|))} respectively.