Two-pion production in the second resonance region in π−p collisions with the High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES)

Pion induced reactions provide unique opportunities for an unambiguous description of baryonic resonances and their coupling channels by means of a partial wave analysis. Using the secondary pion beam at SIS18, the two pion production in the second resonance region has been investigated to unravel the role of the $N(1520) \frac{3}{2}^-$ resonance in the intermediate $\rho$ production. Results on exclusive channels with one pion ($\pi^{-}p$) and two pions ($\pi^{+}\pi^{-}n$, $\pi^{0}\pi^{-}p$) in the final state measured in the $\pi^{-}-p$ reaction at four different pion beam momenta (0.650, 0.685, 0.733, and 0.786 GeV/c) are presented. The excitation function of the different partial waves and $\Delta\pi$, $N\sigma$ and $N\rho$ isobar configurations is obtained, using the Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis. The $N(1520) \frac{3}{2}^-$ resonance is found to dominate the $N\rho$ final state with the branching ratio $BR=12.2 \pm 1.9\%$.

P. Fonte | O. Svoboda | J. Smyrski | M. Traxler | S. Chernenko | A. Lebedev | J. Biernat | C. Sturm | K. Nowakowski | J. Stroth | S. Morozov | L. Naumann | G. Korcyl | A. Belyaev | K. Schmidt-Sommerfeld | T. Mahmoud | C. Blume | L. Fabbietti | A. Kurepin | K. Lapidus | R. Munzer | Y. Zanevsky | A. Reshetin | F. Guber | V. Wagner | O. Arnold | E. Epple | F. Seck | A. Sarantsev | S. Spataro | J. Dreyer | A. Kugler | A. Sadovsky | A. Blanco | C. Franco | L. Lopes | B. Kämpfer | R. Gernhäuser | L. Maier | V. Ladygin | J. Michel | P. Salabura | P. Strzempek | V. Metag | E. Atomssa | T. Hennino | B. Ramstein | R. Holzmann | A. Ivashkin | I. Ciepał | P. Kurilkin | M. Böhmer | J. Friese | M. Golubeva | H. Ströbele | O. Fateev | Y. Parpottas | J. A. Garzón | B. Kolb | P. Tlustý | A. Kurepin | W. Koenig | J. Adamczewski-Musch | C. Deveaux | S. Linev | D. Wójcik | G. Kornakov | L. Chlad | J. Markert | J. Pietraszko | S. Harabasz | J. Wirth | B. Kampfer | U. Singh | P. Chudoba | L. Silva | R. Lalik | I. Fröhlich | R. Münzer | E. Schwab | J. Siebenson | R. Kotte | L. Lopes | C. Behnke | M. Gumberidze | T. Heinz | A. Ierusalimov | I. Koenig | A. Kurilkin | M. Lorenz | C. Müntz | V. Pechenov | O. Pechenova | W. Przygoda | T. Scheib | H. Schuldes | H. Tsertos | C. Wendisch | V. Nikonov | T. Kunz | P. Zumbruch | A. Malige | N. Rathod | O. Petukhov | A. Belounnas | J. Berger-Chen | R. Greifenhagen | B. Kardan | F. Kornas | S. Maurus | D. Mihaylov | P. Rodriguez-Ramos | A. Rost | F. Scozzi | P. Sellheim | S. Spies | M. Szala | M. Wiebusch | J. Kuboś | V. Mikhaylov | D. Dittert | A. Prozorov | C. Ungethüm | O. Vazquez-Doce | T. Galatyuk | C. Höhne | A. Lebedev | J. Michel | S. Morozov

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