Temporal CSPs

Reasoning with temporal constraints has been a hot research topic for the last twenty years. The importance of this topic has been recognized in many areas of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence e.g., planning [4], scheduling [23], natural language understanding [91], knowledge representation [79], spatio-temporal databases and geographical information systems [62], constraint databases [89], medical information systems [102], computer-aided verification [5], multimedia presentations [2] etc. Temporal reasoning is an area that has greatly benefited by the application of techniques from constraint programming ever since the early papers by James Allen and others [3, 107, 31, 108, 34]. The CSP framework introduced in Chapter 2 of this handbook is immediately applicable for representing and reasoning about temporal information, and so are the algorithms of Chapters 3, 4 and 8. Temporal CSPs have been proved to be a robust framework where general CSP results such as the ones surveyed in Chapters 5 and 6 of this handbook could be applied profitably. Moreover, specific results about temporal CSPs have often provided the motivation for deriving general results about CSPs. Temporal CSPs have been studied in depth, not only because of intellectual curiosity, but mostly due to their importance for applications such as planning, scheduling, temporal databases and others mentioned above. In many cases, the problems studied come straight from the application front and developed solutions are immediately put into practical use. In this chapter, we survey work on temporal CSPs starting from the papers that appeared in the early nineties [3, 107, 31, 108, 34] and continue with contributions that have been published as recently as last year. We have covered all of the influential works, but due to space, we have sometimes been brief in our presentation. Our presentation is sometimes historical; we hope this will turn out to be useful for the readers. For more information on temporal CSPs and temporal reasoning in general, the reader can read the Handbook of Temporal Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence [41] or the original papers that have appeared in the literature.

[1]  Peter van Beek,et al.  The Design and Experimental Analysis of Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning , 1995, J. Artif. Intell. Res..

[2]  Sibel Adali,et al.  Representing and reasoning with temporal constraints in multimedia presentations , 2000, Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning. TIME 2000.

[3]  Marc B. Vilain,et al.  A System for Reasoning About Time , 1982, AAAI.

[4]  Martha E. Pollack,et al.  Two Approaches to Semi-Dynamic Disjunctive Temporal Problems , 2005 .

[5]  Peter Jonsson,et al.  A Complete Classification of Tractability in Allen's Algebra Relative to Subsets of Basic Relations , 1998, Artif. Intell..

[6]  Peter van Beek,et al.  Local and Global Relational Consistency , 1995, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[7]  Thomas Dean,et al.  Using temporal hierarchies to efficiently maintain large temporal databases , 1989, JACM.

[8]  Chung Hee Hwang,et al.  Episodic Logic Meets Little Red Riding Hood: A Comprehensive, Natural Representation for Language Un , 2000 .

[9]  Henry A. Kautz,et al.  Constraint propagation algorithms for temporal reasoning: a revised report , 1989 .

[10]  Malik Ghallab,et al.  Planning with Sharable Resource Constraints , 1995, IJCAI.

[11]  Itay Meiri,et al.  Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Constraints in Temporal Reasoning , 1991, Artif. Intell..

[12]  Henry A. Kautz,et al.  Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning , 1986, AAAI.

[13]  Abdul Sattar,et al.  INDU: An Interval and Duration Network , 1999, Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

[14]  Enrico Giunchiglia,et al.  SAT-Based Procedures for Temporal Reasoning , 1999, ECP.

[15]  Luca Console,et al.  On the Computational Complexity of Querying Bounds on Differences Constraints , 1995, Artif. Intell..

[16]  Jochen Renz,et al.  A Spatial Odyssey of the Interval Algebra: 1. Directed Intervals , 2001, IJCAI.

[17]  Raymond Reiter,et al.  Towards a Logical Reconstruction of Relational Database Theory , 1982, On Conceptual Modelling.

[18]  Martha E. Pollack,et al.  Identifying Conflicts in Overconstrained Temporal Problems , 2005, IJCAI.

[19]  Jean-François Condotta,et al.  On the consistency problem for the INDU calculus , 2003, 10th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2003 and Fourth International Conference on Temporal Logic. Proceedings..

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[21]  Djamila Sam-Haroud,et al.  Path Consistency on Triangulated Constraint Graphs , 1999, IJCAI.

[22]  Barbara Pernici,et al.  Qualitative and Quantitative Temporal Constraints and Relational Databases: Theory, Architecture, and Applications , 1999, IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng..

[23]  Amedeo Cesta,et al.  Incremental Forward Checking for the Disjunctive Temporal Problem , 2000, ECAI.

[24]  Nicolas Chleq Efficient Algorithms for Networks of Quantitative Temporal Constraints , 1995 .

[25]  Rina Dechter,et al.  Processing Disjunctions in Temporal Constraint Networks , 1997, Artif. Intell..

[26]  Martha E. Pollack,et al.  Efficient solution techniques for disjunctive temporal reasoning problems , 2003, Artif. Intell..

[27]  Christian Bessiere,et al.  Global Consistency in Interval Algebra Networks: Tractable Subclasses , 1996, ECAI.

[28]  Stephen F. Smith,et al.  A Constraint-Based Method for Project Scheduling with Time Windows , 2002, J. Heuristics.

[29]  Manolis Koubarakis,et al.  Backtracking algorithms for disjunctions of temporal constraints , 1998, Artif. Intell..

[30]  Peter Jeavons,et al.  Tractable Disjunctive Constraints , 1997, CP.

[31]  T. K. Satish Kumar,et al.  A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Simple Temporal Problems with Piecewise Constant Domain Preference Functions , 2004, AAAI.

[32]  Peter van Beek,et al.  The design and experimental analysis of algorithms for temporal reasoning , 1996 .

[33]  Manolis Koubarakis,et al.  Tractable Disjunctions of Linear Constraints , 1996, CP.

[34]  Tomasz Imielinski,et al.  Incomplete Information in Relational Databases , 1984, JACM.

[35]  Floris Geerts,et al.  Constraint Query Languages , 2008, Encyclopedia of GIS.

[36]  James F. Allen Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals , 1983, CACM.

[37]  Thomas C. Henderson,et al.  Arc and Path Consistency Revisited , 1986, Artif. Intell..

[38]  Matthias Jarke,et al.  Telos: representing knowledge about information systems , 1990, TOIS.

[39]  Peter van Beek,et al.  A Theoretical Evaluation of Selected Backtracking Algorithms , 1995, IJCAI.

[40]  Steffen Staab,et al.  From binary temporal relations to non-binary ones and back , 2001, Artif. Intell..

[41]  Peter Jonsson,et al.  Disjunctions, independence, refinements , 2002, Artif. Intell..

[42]  Ofer Strichman,et al.  Deciding Separation Formulas with SAT , 2002, CAV.

[43]  Sharad Malik,et al.  Chaff: engineering an efficient SAT solver , 2001, Proceedings of the 38th Design Automation Conference (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37232).

[44]  Alfonso Gerevini,et al.  Reasoning with Inequations in Temporal Constraint Networks , 1995, IJCAI 1995.

[45]  Henry A. Kautz,et al.  Integrating Metric and Qualitative Temporal Reasoning , 1991, AAAI.

[46]  Enrico Giunchiglia,et al.  A SAT-based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints , 2004, SAT.

[47]  Peter B. Ladkin,et al.  Satisfying First-Order Constraints About Time Intervals , 1988, AAAI.

[48]  Bernhard Nebel,et al.  Solving hard qualitative temporal reasoning problems: Evaluating the efficiency of using the ORD-Horn class , 1997, Constraints.

[49]  Spiros Skiadopoulos,et al.  Querying temporal and spatial constraint networks in PTIME , 2000, Artif. Intell..

[50]  Peter van Beek,et al.  Reasoning About Qualitative Temporal Information , 1990, Artif. Intell..

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[53]  Bernhard Nebel,et al.  Reasoning about temporal relations: a maximal tractable subclass of Allen's interval algebra , 1994, JACM.

[54]  Peter Jeavons,et al.  Reasoning about temporal relations: The tractable subalgebras of Allen's interval algebra , 2003, JACM.

[55]  Alexander Reinefeld,et al.  Effective Solution of Qualitative Interval Constraint Problems , 1992, Artif. Intell..

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[57]  Peter van Beek,et al.  Approximation Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning , 1989, IJCAI.

[58]  Manolis Koubarakis,et al.  Tractable disjunctions of linear constraints: basic results and applications to temporal reasoning , 2001, Theor. Comput. Sci..

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