Influence of HLA matching in cadaveric renal transplantation: experience from one Scandiatransplant center.

The outcome of 461 prospectively HLA-A, -B and -C typed and 193 prospectively HLA-DR typed cadaveric kidney transplants in one center was followed. We found a significant beneficial effect on graft survival both of HLA-A and -B as well as of HLA-DR matching between donor and recipient, while no effects of HLA-C compatibility could be detected. The effect of HLA-DR matching was clearly more pronounced than that of HLA-A and -B matching, and a possible influence of matching for HLA-A and -B could only be seen in the HLA-DR mismatched combinations. Pretransplant blood transfusions were associated with an increased graft survival only in patients receiving HLA-DR mismatched transplants. We conclude that major emphasis should be laid on obtaining HLA-DR compatibility in clinical renal transplantation.