Sarcoma of the Vulva
examination a polypoid mass, measuring about 21 in. by 12 in. in diameter, was found in the vagina projecting from the cervical canal. Its surface, greyish red in colour, was breaking down and ulcerated. Its consistence was firm but not hard, and its pedicle could be traced up through the cervical canal and was inserted on the posterior wall of the uterus just above the internal os. Under an aneesthetic the pedicle was divided with scissors, the tumour removed, and the uterus curetted. No other tumours could be detected in the uterine walls, and its cavity was only a little elongated. The patient made a good recovery, and at the present time, four years after the operation, is in good health. Microscopic examination shows the tumour to have the appearance of a rapidly growing cedematous fibromyoma, containing numerous blood vessels. In parts there is a good deal of cedema and hyaline degeneration, but the undegenerated portions of the tumour show numbers of spindle cells with large nuclei and well-marked nucleoli, and numerous blood vessels with well-formed walls distinct from the tissue of the tumour. The mucous membrane covering the tumour has the structure of that of the body of the uterus, and is somewhat hypertrophied. Very few fibroid tumours of the uterus have been recorded in patients of this age. In a paper read before the Obstetrical Society of London,' by Dr. Herbert Spencer, in which an abstract is given of forty cases of fibroid tumours occurring in women under twenty-five years of age, there is only one case in which the patient was younger than this girl. It is a case recorded by Howitz, in which the patient is said to have been only thirteen years of age; but, as Dr. Spencer points out, it is very likely that the tumour was in reality ovarian in origin. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the presence of a fibroid tumour, proved to be such by microscopic examination, in a woman before the age of twenty years, is an exceedingly rare occurrence. Report of Pathology Committee.-" We have examined sections of a fibromyomatous polyp removed from the uterus of a patient, aged 17, exhibited by Dr. Blacker, and agree with the description of the author."