An integrated load control and distribution dispatch system for Central Maine Power

A study was conducted to review the scope of distribution automation operations that should be supported by the load management system (LMS), and specifically how LMS operations could be integrated with power dispatch operations at a new energy management system (EMS) which Central Maine Power (CMP) had begun to develop. As a result of this study, the LMS will not only provide advanced load control scheduling and analysis tools to its operators, but will also be accessible to the power dispatchers via an EMS/LMS interface. From the EMS consoles the dispatchers will be able to initiate system-wide load control operations which have been prescheduled by LMS operators, and to monitor their progress. The dispatchers will also be able to use load control to mitigate overloads at specific substations and buses. Access to SCADA capabilities of the LMS will allow the dispatchers to monitor and control distribution substations which are not served directly by the EMS and, because of the power line carrier (PLC) communications, also to operate distribution feeders. The LMS will assist in the location of faults and furnish basic automatic meter reading services.<<ETX>>