Separation of concerns for Multithreads Object-Oriented Programming

Multithreaded Object-Oriented Programming in concurrency environment using object-oriented technology is a complex activity. Programmers need to be aware of issues unrelated to their domain of problem, and are often unprepared for the challenges of the concurrent object-oriented programming brings. The interaction of their components becomes more complex, and makes it difficult to validate the design and correctness of the implemented program. Supporting separation of concerns in the design and implementation of the multithreaded object-oriented programming can provide a number of benefits such as comprehension, reusability, extensibility and adaptability in both design and implementation. We have tackled this problem by adopting the technique of separation of concerns in multithreaded object-oriented programming. In this paper we demonstrate an Aspect-Oriented approach that can be used for multithreaded object-oriented programming. We also show how better the separation of concerns in components. Readers/Writers problem is demonstrated using an aspect-oriented approach. Our methodology, which is based on aspect-oriented techniques as well as language and architecture independence, is an aspect-oriented framework.