Many parameters influence the interaction between the generic mesh of a framed structure and its infilling walls. One of these is the level of the vertical loads on the mesh. The approximated procedures known in the literature for the evaluation of the influences of the infills on the behaviour of the frames under lateral excitations, based on the equivalent strut approach, neglect the effect of vertical loads, probably because the mechanism that governs the phenomenon is not clear, making it difficult to take it into account. Nevertheless, in some cases, a non-negligible variation in the behaviour of infilled meshes can be produced because of vertical loads, leading to a substantial inaccuracy in the evaluation of the response of the system. In this paper how and how much the vertical loads influence the behaviour of infilled frames is investigated by a numerical and an experimental approach and once again the non-negligible effect of vertical loads is proved and the need to consider it is stressed. The frame-infill interface behaviour, recognised as basic in this interaction, is observed when lateral loads are applied. Then the effect of the variation in the extension of the frame-infill contact region on the lateral stiffness and the lateral strength of infilled frames is discussed. After having recognized the key role of the interface frame-infill some remarks are made on the most proper approach to be used for the interface mentioned when “exact” FEM models or FEM-BEM models for the infill are used.