Complex Systems: Errata and Changes, Volumes 1 and 2

All known err ata and changes are given below for art icles published in Compl ex Systems , Volum es 3 and 4. Stan Franklin and Max Garzon, Global Dynamics in Neural Networks, volume 3, pages 29-36 In the seco nd par agraph of Section 1 and throug hout the paper , t he ring R should be fini te, not infinit e. On page 30, the sentence below Theorem 1 that read s "Condit ions 2 and 3 reflect the local infinit eness of the network" should be changed t o read "Condit ion 3 reflects the local finiten ess of the network." On page 30 , add to Coro lla ry 1: "T he function T has range and dom ain C, the Cantor se t ." David E. Goldberg, Bradley Korb, and Kalyanmoy D eb, Messy Genetic Algorithms: Motivation, Analysis, and First R esults, volume 3, pages 493-530 On page 516 , Equat ion (5.2) should read : dP = P(1P) dt (5.2) D. A. Wolf-Gladrow, R. Nasilowski, and A . Vogeler, Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamics with a Pair Interaction Automaton in Two Dimensions, volume 4 , pages 139-150 Because of numerous misprint s and misplaced figures, t he ent ire paper is re printed in t his issu e. 102 Complex Systems Errata Francesca A icard i and Andrzej Lech Kawczynski, Period-Adding Phenomenon in a Model of Chemical System, volume 4, pages 1-10 On page 9, Figur e 5(a) has been omit ted . The omitted figur e appears below. 1.306 1 13062 1 30 63 1.3064 1.3065 1.3066 1 3067 13068 Figure 5: (a) T he cha nges of "asy mptotic" values of p at the Po incar e sect ion or <3 belonging to [1.3061, 1.3068]. Only a subset of h is shown. T he picture is very similar to the bifurcati on diagram for a logist ic map. The period doub ling cascade is seen . Wentian Li and N orm a n P ackard, T he Str ucture of t he E lementary C ellular A utom ata Rule Space, volume 4, p ages 281297 In the first par agraph in Section 2 on page 283, the sentence "When every t;' s can choose from the same state var iables, t, E {a",}(a = 0, 1, . . . , m 1)" should read "W hen every ti 'S can choose from the same state var iab les, t, E {a",}(a = 0, 1, . . . , m) ." In the first paragraph on page 284, the last sentence "the size-m hypercub e if the number of st ate is m" should read "the size-m hypercub e if the number of state is m + 1" On page 290, the second sentence of the third paragraph in Section 5 should read "because the width of the clust er space is 2 along n o and n 3 axes, bu t 3 along n l and n2 axes." In the last paragraph on page 290, the clusters should be bracketed as Complex Syst ems Errata 103 follows: "It is easy to show that [nOnin 2n3] and [1 n3, 3 n 2, 3 ni , 1 no] repr esent the sa me dynamics under the 0-to-1 t ransformation ." In Figure 3 on page 291, par ts (c) and (d) should be switched . In Figur e 5 on page 293, par t (a) should be part (b) , part (b) should be part (c), and part (c) should be part (a). All references on pages 291, 292, and 293 to Figur e 4 should reference Figur e 5. The correct reference to Figure 4 is in the last paragraph on page 288. D. Saad and E. Marom, Training Feed Forward Nets with Binary Weights via a Modified CHIR Algorithm, volume 4, pages 573-586 On page 584, the legend for Figure 5 should read : F igure 5: Symmet ry: Median number of sweeps required for t raining a network of t he form N : N : 1 to solve t he symmetry pr ob lem using an exhau stive train ing set.