Theater Ballistic Missile Defense
Part 1 Some Historic Aspects: Introduction to Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence Historical Background "Arrow" System - From Dream to Reality. Part 2 Threat and Response: Many Facets of Threat Assessment Defence Policies and Strategies Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence Architecture Development Anti-Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence Process. Part 3 Interoperability, Battle Management and Strategic Considerations: Interoperability Between Defence Systems External Cueing - Battle Management. Part 4 Guidance and Control in Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence: Anti-Ballistic Missile Interception Guidance Improved Methodology for Theatre Missile Defence End-Games Interception of Manoeuvering Targets in Theatre Missile Defence. Part 5 Measures of System Effectiveness and Risk Management: Analytical Methods, Measures of Effectiveness and Simulations Theatre Missile Defence Systems Readiness and Training Development-Programmes Risk Management -Principles and a Case Study. Part 6 A Look to the Future: Future Trends in Offence and Defence: Concluding Remarks Appendix A - Extant Systems for Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence Appendix B - Gulf War - Intelligence, Early Warning and the Home Front Appendix C - Author Biographies.