www.sensl.com sales@sensl.com +353 21 240 7110 (International) +1 650 641 3278 (North America) The probability of detecting the return laser as a function of distance and target reflectivity, with 10klux ambient light. Conclusions We present a vertical line sensor composed of a 1 × 16 array of analog silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) optimized for 3D time of flight (ToF) imaging LiDAR in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD) vehicles. The sensor has been designed for enhanced redsensitivity performance with a PDE of greater than 8% and can operate in outdoor environments with high ambient light noise of 100 klux and targets that have a low reflectivity from 10%. The SiPM array enables long distance ranging greater than 100 m and allows for superior low reflective target distance ranging over APD and PIN diode based systems. The SiPM array is to be demonstrated in an electro-mechanical scanning imaging LiDAR system consisting of a transmitter based on an eye-safe 905 nm laser diode array the 1×16 SiPM array as receiver, collimating optics and an electro-mechanical rotating mirror for horizontal scanning of a 80 × 5 at 30 fps. Simulation results are presented here to validate the concept of long distance LiDAR based on SiPM receivers. The Silicon Photomultiplier for Solid State, Long Distance LiDAR
Alessandro Busacca,et al.
Time Of Flight measurements via two LiDAR systems with SiPM and APD
2016 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT).
F. Beekman,et al.
A Comprehensive Model of the Response of Silicon Photomultipliers
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
Matteo Perenzoni,et al.
A 64 $\times$ 64-Pixels Digital Silicon Photomultiplier Direct TOF Sensor With 100-MPhotons/s/pixel Background Rejection and Imaging/Altimeter Mode With 0.14% Precision Up To 6 km for Spacecraft Navigation and Landing
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.
Michaël Sicard,et al.
Lidar with SiPM: Some capabilities and limitations in real environment
S. Dolinsky,et al.
Timing resolution performance comparison for fast and standard outputs of SensL SiPM
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC).