Design and analysis of a meter-class CubeSat boom with a motor-less deployment by bi-stable tape springs

The increasing demand for greater CubeSat mission capabilities has led to the need for more complex deployable mechanisms within the limited packaged volume. This paper presents a meter-class deployable boom featuring a single burn wire release mechanism and motor-less deployment actuation by the stored strain energy of bi-stable tape springs. Bi-stable tape springs are rolled about two independently rotating central hubs, where the unique and controlled release of strain energy unrolls the hubs and drives boom deployment linearly outward with a nearly constant torque. At the end of deployment, the tape springs lock-out to remove the deployment degree of freedom from the structure while providing structural sti ness, derived from the two inwardly facing and o set bi-stable tape springs, spanning from end to end. The presented device has stowed dimensions measuring 5.0cm by 3.8cm by 3.8cm, well within the packaging requirements of a 1-U CubeSat. The mechanical design and deployment properties are investigated and presented.