Storytelling Approach In Multimedia Courseware: An Introduction To Science For Preschool Education

Education plays an important role in human knowledge and development. Due to the rapid development of current science and technology, this paper discusses about the used of storytelling approach in the development of an interactive multimedia courseware as an introduction to science for preschool education. Developing an interactive multimedia courseware with storytelling approach promotes learning process become more exciting and the knowledge could be delivered and acknowledged easier. The purpose of the courseware is to act as CAI and CAL tool for 5 to 6 years old preschool children in order to gain their interest in science subject; to nurture good values; to encourage and improve their reading abilities. The courseware is developed based on ADDIE methodology and used Macromedia Director as the main platform. The development started by designing the courseware conceptual model as one of the objective. The courseware is delivered in English and incorporated adventure module, option module and game module. The storytelling approach used in creating the adventure module, which display a story about a seed that fly away from its origin, grows and becomes a tree with the help of water from the rain and light from the sun in a new place where it's landing. It is hoped that the development of the courseware could attract students toward science education. Hence, the courseware could help in promoting and enhancing preschool education specifically in Malaysia in promoting the development of excellent individual in a knowledge society