Effect of the gene for double pod in chickpea on yield, yield components and stability of yield
Five pairs of near isogenic lines (NILs) for the gene for single vs. double pod were used to study the effect of this character on yield and its components (seeds per plant, yield per plant and seed weight). The NILs were sown in 2 years at five locations in ihe first year and four locations in the second. Combined analysis of variance was applied to t he data and no significant differences between isolines were found, but there were significant genotype– location interaction effects for yield and seeds per plant. For both characters the double–podded lines were more stable than the single–podded lines. Although there were significant differences between the five genotypes lor yield per planl and seed weight, the differentes between single– and double–podded lines were almost nil. The results indicate that the double–pod gene has a positive effect on the stability of yield and is not linked to any other gene responsible Tor seed size in chickpea