Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif dan Hasil Belajar Siswa
The study aims to find and describe the model of Discovery Learning in increasing students' thinking creative ability and the results of five-grader student SD Negeri Sidorejo Kidul 02, Tingkir. The study was conducted in SD Negeri Sidorejo Kidul 02, Tingkir on 9 March, 2018. The type of the study which is Classroom Action Research (PTK) has done in 2 cycles. One cycle consists of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The total students of subjects of the five-grader research were 39 students. The study was used test and non test data collection. The study was used both quantitative and qualitative analysis.The initial condition percentage of creative thinking ability is 33.2% and the average score was 13.3. The completeness learning results were 38% with an average was 60, 72,5 for the highest score, 45 for the lowest score. Cycle I, students' creative thinking ability was 73%, with an average score was 29,2. Presentation of learning result was 71.8%, an average score was 69.48, 82.5 for the highest score and 50 for the lowest score. Cycle II, percentage of creative thinking ability was 81.2%, an average score was 32.2. The learrning result was in average of 74.2, 87.5 for the highest score and 55 for the lowest score. It can be concluded that the implementation of the Discovery Learning model can increase the ability of creative thinking and the learning outcomes of students' thematic learning for five-grader students in SDN Sidorejo Kidul 02 Tingkir.