Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Marketing: An Empirical Study on Pakistani females

This study aims to investigate the impact of SMS advertisement on Pakistani female consumers. A conceptual model is created that is based on a prior literature to discover factors affecting female consumer’s acceptance on mobile marketing. A survey is conducted by self-administered questionnaire and 200 samples are collected from Pakistan through online and offline questionnaires and seven hypotheses are tested, using analysis. This study focuses on three basic factors, i.e. personal information, accessing contacts and perceived value as independent factors and mobile marketing acceptance as dependent factor. The result of the study signifies that there is a great connection between these variables and mobile marketing acceptance. Conclusion, study limitations and future study are presented in this paper. Mobile marketing is considered as an innovative form of marketing and gives expose to the corporations, to do firm Marketing action performance via mobile devices, these devices allow advertisers to indirectly communicate with likely customers in a quick speed and despite the geographical differences. Mostly people are running after smart phones, for that reason the researches about attitude towards mobile advertising was accepted according to cultural orientation. Recently, the reasons for fastest growth in Smartphone are growing functionality and low cost data plans. These advance functionalities have raised new challenges for marketing researchers and marketers.