Modelling the energy resource for buildings and the use of appropriate low carbon technologies.
This thesis investigates the feasibility of the use of Low or Zero Carbon
Energy Sources (LZCES) in the built environment and the development of an
innovative Integrated Renewable Energy Planner (IREP) tool. It can be divided
into four main research areas; an investigation into the on-site renewable energy
resource, an analysis in the building energy usage profile, a development of a
decision-making tool for the rapid identification of the most appropriate LZCES
option and a post occupancy monitoring and modelling of a building.
This research work details the following considerations of LZCES: passive
solar space heating modelling (PSSH); performance of building integrated
including solar water collector (SWH); solar photovoltaic (SPV); wind technology
(WT); ground source heat pump (GSHP); tri-generation (TriG); biomass (BioH)
and rainwater harvesting (RWH). Recorded Chartered Institute of Building
Services Engineer (CIBSE) data from fourteen cities around the UK were used to
assess the wind, solar electric, solar passive thermal, solar water thermal, ground
source and rain resource.
As part of this project, an unoccupied solar house was monitored for one
summer and one winter month in East Whitburn, Scotland. A detailed
investigation into the effect of external temperature, irradiance and thermal mass
was conducted on building perFormance and indoor temperature. It was found
that the estimated internal temperature simulation was between 2% to 10%
different from the monitored temperature. It could be improved if the thermal
mass and ventilation rate were estimated more accurately.
A collection of manufacturers' data from 10 WTs, 10 SWHs, 3 SPVs, 2
GSHPs, 2 BioHs, 3 Tries and 2 RWHs was carried out in order to test the
performance of the IREP tool. Energy, economy and CO2 saving simulations
were done on a number of LZCES systems. A final assessment of the number of
different options and their impact on the cost, energy and CO2 saving was
performed in order to assess the best combination possible.
Future development of the IREP tool may aim to assess more accurately
the output of each technologies, develop a more user-friendly facade and
integrate more technologies such as light pipes, earth duct, solar wall,
concentrated solar power, energy storage, UTES, waste-to-energy plant, fuel
cells and to extend potentially to recycled materials. Other weather data from rest
of the world could make IREP usable for other project scales and countries.