Prediction of Classroom Discipline Problems

ONE of the most universal and timeless problems which American public school teachers encounter is that of maintaining order in the classroom. The extent to which discipline problems are present in the classroom may affect the efficiency of the entire instructional process. It is conceivable, however, that if the troublesome child could be identified early in the school year the teacher and guidance personnel might be able to undertake measures to prevent such a youngster from disrupt. ing the class. Also a valuable end may be served in the identification of variables related to discipline problems in that such variables in themselves may suggest possible corrective and remedial actions. The purpose underlying this study was to examine the correlates of classroom discipline problems in the hope that these correlates may be useful in the early identification and control of potential school problem children. A second and related purpose involved the testing of an hypothesis that since schoolroom misbehavior embodies certain anti-social attitudes, such a child may demo onstrate personality traits similar to those characteristic of juvenile delinquents, the difference consisting of degree rather than kind. Should this hypothesis be upheld, the identification and correction of the discipline problem child assumes vastly greater importance than merely preserving a peaceful school environment.