TASK A: High Energy Collider Physics

The primary objective is to support the operation, upgrade and data analysis of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). The operational and upgrade effort is centered on the endcap muon detector sub-system. The data analysis project is a search for quark and gluon substructure as manifest in the cross section for high mass oppositely charged di-lepton pairs. A second objective is the completion of data analysis from the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) experiment on precision measurement of the oscillation between neutral D mesons and their anti-particles. work on identify a baseline sensor technology for the CMS Phase 2 upgrade, exploring sensor types (ex. p-on-n or n-on-p), thickness, and different hadronic irradiation scenarios. sion at subleading power for deep inelastic scattering in the context of the ’t Hooft model: two dimensional QCD in the large N c limit. Being solvable, this model allows to directly compute the moments associated to the cross section at subleading power. Surprisingly, they report a breakdown of the operator product expansion beyond leading power. This result is very alarming. The use of the operator product expansion is an indispensable tool in perturbative QCD. Paz proposes to study this issue using SCET.