A pixel telescope for detector R&D for an international linear collider

A beam telescope based on monolithic active pixel technology will be developed within the EUDET collaboration, a coordinated detector R&D programme for a future international linear collider. The telescope will consist of up to six sensor planes. The telescope can be operated inside a solenoidal magnetic field of up to 1.2T. In addition, a general purpose cooling, positioning and readout infrastructure will be available. The telescope and the magnet will initially be installed at a 6GeV/c electron beam line at DESY. However, the setup will be sufficiently flexible to be moved to higher energy hadron beam lines, for instance at CERN, in the future. Thus the telescope will provide a test environment for a wide variety of pixelated sensor technologies, while at the same time acting as a realistic test bed for tracking studies for a vertex detector at a future linear collider.