Algorithms for reconstructing a 2-manifold from a point sample in based on Voronoi-filtering like CRUST[1] or CoCone[2] still require --- after identifying a set of candidate triangles --- a so-called manifold extractionstep which identifies a subset of the candidate triangles to form the final reconstruction surface. Non-locality of the latter step is caused by so-called slivers--- configurations of four almost cocircular points having an empty circumsphere with center close to the manifold surface.
We prove that under a certain mild condition --- local uniformity --- which typically holds in practice but can also be enforced theoretically, one can compute a reconstruction using an algorithm whose decisions about the adjacencies of a point only depend on nearby points.
While the theoretical proof requires an extremely high sampling density, our prototype implementation, described in a companion paper [3], preforms well on typical sample sets. Due to its local mode of computation, it might be particularly suited for parallel computing or external memory scenarios.
Tamal K. Dey,et al.
Manifold reconstruction from point samples
SODA '05.
Stefan Funke,et al.
How much geometry it takes to reconstruct a 2-manifold in R3
D. Kirkpatrick,et al.
A Framework for Computational Morphology
Mark de Berg,et al.
Computational geometry: algorithms and applications
Stefan Funke,et al.
Smooth-surface reconstruction in near-linear time
SODA '02.
Sunghee Choi,et al.
A Simple Algorithm for Homeomorphic Surface Reconstruction
Int. J. Comput. Geom. Appl..
Stefan Funke,et al.
Network sketching or: "How Much Geometry Hides in Connectivity?--Part II"
SODA '07.