Value stream mapping implementation in the third sector

An analysis of the development of non-profit organizations highlights critical issues related to the efficiency and strategic capacity of many organizations. To do this, it is necessary to use management models that combine the effectiveness of social solidarity with acceptable levels of efficiency. This study focuses on the application of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to reorganize the work placement service in one of Italy’s major third sector organizations. A telephone survey, administered to 184 diocesan counseling services, provided an exhaustive overview of the macro-environment and the work placement service features. The process re-engineering is dealt with by an interdisciplinary approach. Implementing the Allison and Kaye model provides an approach specific to non-profit organizations. Furthermore, the use of VSM in the strategic planning enriches the model itself and provides a practical and pragmatic approach typical of re-engineering that focuses on the organization’s objectives. VSM allows the identification of the critical points in the value flow chain, and the suggested actions support the development of the work placement service.