A Hierarchical Model for Bandwidth Management and Admission Control in Integrated IEEE 802.16/802.11 Wireless Networks

In this paper, we present a hierarchical bandwidth management and admission control framework for integrated IEEE 802.16/802.11 wireless networks. Developed based on a game-theoretic model, the framework aims to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) requirements of all the users in this integrated network. In particular, at the first level of this hierarchical model, the bandwidth allocation problem among the standalone subscriber stations (SSs) and the WLAN access points (APs)/routers is formulated as a bargaining game. Based on the allocated bandwidth to the SSs, groups of connections in different service types in the standalone SSs cooperate among each other at the second level of the game to share the bandwidth in a fair manner. The admission control for connections from the standalone SSs is devised based on the improvement in total utility of the corresponding service types. For the WLAN connections, estimated traffic load is used by an admission control game to decide whether a new connection from a WLAN node can be admitted or not.