Practical methods of electron depth-dose measurement compared to use of the NACP design chamber in water.

Central axis relative dose versus depth measurements were performed using two different small volume thimble ionization chambers and a p-type silicon diode in a water phantom and with two parallel-plate ionization chambers, thermoluminescent dosimeters, and radiographic film in a popular clear polystyrene phantom. Values obtained were compared to the results of similar measurements in a water phantom performed with a plane-parallel ionization chamber designed and optimized for use in electron beams by the Nordic Association of Clinical Physicists (NACP). The NACP chamber is expected to minimally perturb the electron fluence and be least prone to point of measurement uncertainties. Its use in a water phantom closely approximates the spirit of recent international protocols. Data were obtained for the foil scattered electron beams generated by two different accelerators for field sizes from 6 cm X 6 cm to 25 cm X 25 cm and energies between 6 and 20 MeV. Easily identifiable effective points of measurements were defined for each measurement device and standard corrections were applied to the raw data to obtain depth-dose curves. The degree of agreement between the various techniques and the NACP-water standard was quantitatively analyzed through comparison of the resulting depths of 50% dose and practical range. All methods were found to yield reasonable results when carefully implemented, with average differences of less than 1 mm being easily achievable. Measurements with p-type silicon diode detectors were found to be particularly useful, as they are pointlike and appear from all practical considerations to directly represent relative dose, thus requiring little or no correction to raw readings.