Task-based Programming Model for Elastodynamics

Reverse Time Migration (RTM) technique is based on many successive solutions of the full wave equation. The use of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method (DGM) as space discretization technique, associated with a leap-frog time scheme, leads to a numerical problem with inherent parallelism, an interesting property to take advantage of, on the current and future, heterogeneous many-cores architectures. Nowadays, the use of supercomputers is mainstream. However, efficiently exploiting the hardware heterogeneity remains a challenging task, with a lack of long term vision regarding the performance portability and the implementation perennially. This highlights the limits of the current programming paradigms. In this context, the use of programming paradigms based on task-graph approaches allows automatic parallelism scheduling over dynamic runtime systems. In this paper, we will present our ongoing effort to introduce a task-based programming model into a industrial elastodynamics simulation code.