Biomass Residues as Fuel for the Ceramic Industry in the State of Alagoas: Brazil

The investigation of suitable alternative sources of energy is currently an important challenge for Brazilian researchers. In this study, the use of biomass residues in ceramic furnaces was investigated with the aim of obtaining a total or partial replacement of existing non-legalized biofuels, mainly from deforestation sources. For that purpose, the agricultural production of the region and its residues were quantified. Samples of the most significant agribusiness residues were collected and characterized in terms of physical–chemical parameters, and calorific value. The ceramic company B was adopted as a typical high demanding fuel ceramic furnace, since it is one of the major ceramic brick producers in the Brazilian State of Alagoas. The results reveal that, in a whole year, it is possible for Ceramic B to operate, with economic feasibility, using just 27% of biomass residue, as fuel, available from cotton, bean, manioc, corn, and coconut annual production.