고성능전투기 비행성능향상을 위한 근대최적제어기법의 응용
The subject of modern control theory has received increased interest in recent years, partly because of its importance as an analytical tool for the study of advanced control technology such as CCV, and of the corresponding active control approaches.
Results of the application of linear optimal control theory to the design of multicontroller feedback system to satisfy aircraft flying gualities are presented.
A guadratic performance index is considered as a generalized criterion for designing linear multivarable flight control system of the short period longitudinal motion of a fighter type aircraft by utilizing the root-Square-Locus technique developed by Rynaski and others. It has been found that certain relations exist between weighting matrices and the closed loop system response. The feedback gains have been obtained by selecting the weighting matrics in the guadratic performance index to satify the butterworth filter response characteristics, which is a smooth and well behaved response to a command input with little overshoot.
Numerical computations are done for the feedback gains for the stability augmentation system of a fighter aircraft longitudinal short period motion.