High Throughput Protein Quantitation using MRM Viewer Software and Dynamic MRM on a Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometer
Peptide quantitation using Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) has been established as an important methodology for biomarker verification andvalidation.This requires high throughput combined with high sensitivity to analyze potentially thousands of target peptides in each sample.Dynamic MRM allows the system to only acquire the required MRMs of the peptide during a retention window corresponding to when each peptide is eluting. This reduces the number of concurrent MRM and therefore improves quantitation and sensitivity. MRM Selector allows the user to generate an MRM transition list with retention time information from discovery data obtained on a QTOF MS system.This list can be directly imported into the triple quadrupole acquisition software.However, situations can exist where a) the list of MRMs contain an excess of MRM transitions allowable under the ideal acquisition conditions chosen ( allowing for cycle time and chromatography conditions), or b) too many transitions in a certain retention time region which would result in an unacceptably low dwell time and cycle time.A new tool - MRM viewer has been developed to help users automatically generate multiple dynamic MRM methods from a single MRM list.In this study, a list of 3293 MRM transitions from a human plasma sample was compiled.A single dynamic MRM method with 3293 transitions results in a minimum dwell time of 2.18ms.Using MRM viewer we can generate three dynamic MRM methods with a minimum dwell time of 20ms which can give a better quality MRM quantitation.This tool facilitates both high throughput and high sensitivity for MRM quantitation.