A conceptual framework is presented for conducting exposure assessments under the U.S. EPA's Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program (VCCEP). The VCCEP is a voluntary program whereby companies that manufacture chemicals of potential concern are asked to conduct hazard, exposure, and risk assessments for the chemicals. The VCCEP is unique in its risk-based, tiered approach, and because it focuses on children and requires a comprehensive consideration of all reasonably foreseeable exposure pathways for a particular chemical. The consideration of all potential exposure pathways for some commonly used chemicals presents a daunting challenge for the exposure assessor. This article presents a framework for managing this complicated process, and illustrates the application of the framework with a hypothetical case study. The framework provides guidance for interpreting multiple sources of exposure information and developing a plausible list of exposure pathways for a chemical. Furthermore, the framework provides a means to process all the available information to eliminate pathways of negligible concern from consideration. Finally, the framework provides guidance for utilizing the tiered approach of VCCEP to efficiently conduct an assessment by first using simple, screening-level approaches and then, if necessary, using more complex, refined exposure assessment methods. The case study provides an illustration of the major concepts.
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