Viability of Puccinia psidii urediniospores stored in different environments
The objective of this study was to evaluate the viability and infectivity of urediniospores stored in liquid nitrogen (-196oC), deep-freezer (-80oC), modified-refrigerator (5oC), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 25oC) and herbarium specimens (25oC), for 150 days. The urediniospores were multiplied in Rose Apple plants (Syzygium jambos) and stored in the above conditions. Every 30 days, the germination and infectivity were evaluated, the first in vitro and the second on Eucalyptus grandis plants. The viability and infectivity of urediniospores stored in BOD and herbarium specimens were not preserved. The maximum germination (24.9%) and infectivity (162 pustules/leaf) occurring in modified-refrigerator environment were higher at 17.6 and 30 days, respectively. Urediniospore germination was highest when preserved in deep-freezer (34.3%) and liquid nitrogen (36.3%), at 45 and 40 days, respectively. The highest infectivity occurred at 60 days for the deep-freezer (77 pustules/leaf) and 90 days for the liquid nitrogen (67 pustules/leaf). Urediniospores kept in deep-freezer, liquid nitrogen, and modified-refrigerator maintained their viability and infectivity for 150 days.