Innovative Methods for Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations

"A one-sided view" - the real story, B. van Leer collocated upwind schemes for ideal MHD, K.G. Powell the penultimate scheme for systems of conservation laws - finite difference ENO with Marquina's flux splitting, R.P. Fedkiw et al a finite element based level-set method for multiphase flows, B. Engquist and A-K Tornberg the GHOST fluid method for viscous flows, R.P. Fedkiw and X-D Liu factorizable schemes for the equations of fluid flow, D. Sidilkover evolution Galerkin methods as finite difference schemes, K.W. Morton fluctuation distribution schemes on adjustable meshes for scalar hyperbolic equations, M.J. Baines superconvergent lift estimates through adjoint error analysis, M.B. Giles and N.A. Pierce somewhere between the Lax-Wendroff and Roe schemes for calculating multidimensional compressible flows, A. Lerat et al. flux schemes for solving nonlinear systems of conservation laws, J.M. Ghidaglia a Lax-Wendroff type theorem for residual schemes, R. Abgrall et al kinetic schemes for solving Saint-Venant equations on unstructured grids, M.O. Bristeau and B. Perthame nonlinear projection methods for multi-entropies Navier-Stokes systems, C. Berthon and F. Coquel a hybrid fluctuation splitting scheme for two-dimensional compressible steady flows, P. De Palma et al some recent developments in kinetic schemes based on least squares and entropy variables, S.M. Deshpande difference approximation for scalar conservation law - consistency with entropy condition from the viewpoint of Oleinik's e-condition, H. Aiso lessons learned from the blast wave computation using overset moving grids - grid motion improves the resolution, K. Fujii.