Immunodiagnosis of cancer.
Immunodiagnosis of Cancer J. A. V. Pritchard, M.SC., and others ........ 823 Co-trimoxazole and Typhoid Fevers Z. Farid, M.D., and A. Hassan, M.D.; E. S. Anderson, F.R.C.PATH., F.R.S......... 824 Evolution of Pathology I. Friedmann, F.R.C.PATH ................. 824 Viral Infection and Asthma I. Gregg, F.R.C.G.P ....................... 824 Uganda Asians M. J. Aylett, M.B.; F. H. Stevenson, M.D.; P. G. Shute, F.R.E.S.; Ann Ford.......... 825 Transmission of Malaria J. D. Spillane, M.D., F.R.C.P ............... 825 Palmar Dermatoglyphs in Wilson's Disease T. J. David, M.B., and A. B. Ajdukiewicz, M.R.C.P. .............................. 826 The Artist's Eye Catherine S. Peckham, M.B.; L. J. Bacon, M.D., D.P.H.; R. H. G. Charles, D.P.H....... 826 Abortion Deaths H. C. McLaren, F.R.C.O.G ................. 826 Aetiology of Varicosity K. M. Waddell, M.R.C.P.; Surgeon Captain T. L. Cleave, M.R.C.P ....................... 826 Ampicillin and Mononucleosis T. P. Casey, M.D., and J. R. D. Matthews, M.R.A.C.P ............................... 827 Dissecting Aneurysm and Autoimmune Thyroiditis Angela M. Hilton, M.R.C.PATH., and R. S. Whittaker, M.R.C.PATH ................... 827 Lead Poisoning H. A. Waldron, M.B ..................... 827 Atypical Pseudocholinesterase in Leprosy S. E. Smith, B.M., PH.D ................... 827 Fluorides and Dental Decay Elaine 0. Stewart, M.D ................... 828 Gastrin and Gastrointestinal Disease K. S. Mullard, F.R.C.S ...................828 Continuous Intragastric Feeding in Infants R. P. C. Barclay, M.R.C.P., and I. Mitchell, M.R.C.P. ..............................828 Renal Dialysis and Transplantation R. C. B. Aitken, F.R.C.P.ED., and C. G. Barrow, M.B ......... 828 Pulmonary Oedema of Mountains T. Bates, M.D ...........................829 E.C.T. and cAMP Excretion Isabel C. A. Moyes, D.P.M .................829 Rosette Inhibition Test in Management of Transplantation J. R. Salaman, F.R.C.S .....................829 Oral Contraceptives and Serum Amylase D. P. Atukorale, M.B., and N. J. Wallooppillai 829 Contraception and Infertility P. C. Arnold, M.B.; M. V. Smith, D.P.H.....829 Sexual Permissiveness A. J. Briggs, M.B.; J. R. Tighe, M.R.C.S.; S. L. H. Smith, B.M.; D. H. Patey, F.R.C.S.......829 Myth and Fact F. D. Hart, F.R.C.P .......................830 Charitable Help G. G. Rogers ..........................830 Hands off Postgraduate Centres D. C. Bowie, F.R.C.S.ED., F.R.C.G.P .........830 Accident Flying Squad T. J. Orchard; J. F. Redden, M.B...........831 Success of Adoption J. E. G. Vincenzi, D.P.M .................831 Call the Doctor J. S. W. Little, M.D ......................831 Aspirin and Gastric Bleeding A. T. Mennie, M.B .......................831 Negative Response J. N. H. Andrews, M.R.C.S .................832 New Consultant Contract G. B. S. Roberts, F.R.C.PATH.; R. V. Jones, M.R.C.P.; W. M. Ross, F.R.C.S.; D. E. Bolt, F.R.C.S .............................. 832 Medicine among the Managers D. M. Bowers, L.R.C.P ...................833 B.M.A. Deputizing Services I. W. B. Grant, F.R.C.P.ED .................833 Elected Representatives on G.M.C. M. O'DonneU, M.B .....................833
[1] R. Saxton. Sexual permissiveness. , 1972, British medical journal.