Transobj: Software Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Transaction-Based Software System Applications

A software prototyping environment called TransObj (TRANSaction and OBJect) is used for designing real-time Transaction-based Concurrent Software Systems (TCSS). In a TCSS design process, a software designer should perform both functional design and performance design. The designer should change his design view from a transaction-based paradigm to an object-based paradigm during the TCSS design process. Recognition of re-entrant functional objects and serially reusable functional objects in the TCSS should be required. TransObj includes the Stepwise Prototyping Method (SPM), and two SPM-based tools: Prolog-based TransObj (P-TransObj) and GPSS-based TransObj (G-TransObj). SPM enables the designer to advance both functional design and performance design for the TCSS prototype as controling the change of design view paradigms. P-TransObj mainly checks the prototype in a microscopic view on a personal computer. G-TransObj mainly checks the same prototype with a longer time span on a large-scale computer.