Neuroanatomy of the Visual Pathways and Their Development

Part 1 Order with the visual pathways: the organization of the retina the organization of the superior colliculus the organization of the pretectum and accessory optic system the organization of the visual thalamus the organization of the striate cortex the organization of the extratriate cortex the neurotransmitter circuitry in the geniculostriate system the visual claustrum and its connections. Part 2 The development of an orderly visual pathway: the topography and organization of the mammalian retina reflects developmental constraints the ontogenesis of the retinofugal pathways the ontogenesis of the subcortical visual centres and their connections the ontogenesis of the visual cortex and its connections the development and organization of the interhemispheric visual pathways the development and organization of the visual pathway in albino mammmals the role of timing in the establishment and interconnection of retinotopic maps.