Dendritic Co‐stratification of ON and ON‐OFF directionally selective ganglion cells with starburst amacrine cells in rabbit retina

The morphology, dendritic branching patterns, and dendritic stratification of retinal ganglion cells have been studied in Golgi‐impregnated, whole‐mount preparations of rabbit retina. Among a large number of morphological types identified, two have been found that correspond to the morphology of ON and ON‐OFF directionally selective (DS) ganglion cells identified in other studies. These cells have been characterized in the preceeding paper in terms of their cell body size, dendritic field size, and branching pattern. In this paper, the two kinds of DS ganglion cell are compared in terms of their levels of dendritic stratification. They are compared with each other and also with examples of class III.1 cells, defined in the preceding paper with reference to our previous studies.

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