Convergence acceleration during the 20th century

[1]  D. E. Roberts,et al.  The epsilon algorithm and related topics , 2000 .

[2]  Ana C. Matos Linear difference operators and acceleration methods , 2000 .

[3]  C. Brezinski,et al.  Error Estimates for the Solution of Linear Systems , 1999, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

[4]  Pedro M. Lima,et al.  Asymptotic expansions and numerical approximation of nonlinear degenerate boundary-value problems , 1999 .

[5]  M. Senhadji On condition numbrs of some quasi-linear transformations , 1999 .

[6]  M. Kzaz Convergence acceleration of the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature formula , 1999 .

[7]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Extrapolation techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems , 1998, Numerische Mathematik.

[8]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Vector sequence transformations: methodology and applications to linear systems , 1998 .

[9]  Atsushi Nagai,et al.  The Toda molecule equation and the epsilon-algorithm , 1998, Math. Comput..

[10]  M. A. López-Marcos,et al.  Variable step implementation of geometric integrators , 1998 .

[11]  B. Rhanizar On extrapolation methods in optimization , 1997 .

[12]  D. Vekemans Algorithm for the E-prediction , 1997 .

[13]  A. Fdil A new technique of selection between sequence transformations , 1997 .

[14]  Avram Sidi,et al.  A Complete Convergence and Stability Theory for a Generalized Richardson Extrapolation Process , 1997 .

[15]  Teresa Diogo,et al.  An extrapolation method for a Volterra integral equation with weakly singular kernel , 1997 .

[16]  H. Sadok,et al.  Hybrid vector transformations , 1997 .

[17]  A. Messaoudi Matrix extrapolation algorithms , 1997 .

[18]  Pierre Verlinden,et al.  Acceleration of Gauss-Legendre quadrature for an integrand with an endpoint singularity , 1997 .

[19]  A. Messaoudi Recursive interpolation algorithm: a formalism for solving systems of linear equations—I. Direct methods , 1996 .

[20]  P. Mortreux,et al.  An acceleration property of theE-algorithm for alternate sequences , 1996, Adv. Comput. Math..

[21]  M. D. Benchiboun Extension of Henrici's method to matrix sequences , 1996 .

[22]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Vector and matrix sequence transformations based on biorthogonality , 1996 .

[23]  Alfred Ramani,et al.  Integrable difference equations and numerical analysis algorithms , 1996 .

[24]  Naoki Osada,et al.  An acceleration theorem for the ρ-algorithm , 1996 .

[25]  Guido Walz,et al.  Asymptotics and Extrapolation , 1996 .

[26]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Extrapolation algorithms and Pade´ approximations: a historical survey , 1996 .

[27]  A. Sidi Further results on convergence and stability of a generalization of the Richardson extrapolation process , 1996 .

[28]  Naoki Osada Vector sequence transformations for the acceleration of logarithmic convergence , 1996 .

[29]  Ana C. Matos,et al.  A derivation of extrapolation algorithms based on error estimates , 1996 .

[30]  Atsushi Nagai,et al.  Discrete soliton equations and convergence acceleration algorithms , 1995, solv-int/9511001.

[31]  C. Brezinski,et al.  Matrix and vector sequence transformations revisited , 1995, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.

[32]  Mário M. Graça,et al.  Convergence acceleration for boundary value problems with singularities using the E-algorithm , 1995 .

[33]  Alfred Ramani,et al.  Orthogonal polynomial approach to discrete Lax pairs for initial boundary-value problems of the QD algorithm , 1995 .

[34]  J. V. Iseghem Convergence of vectorial sequences: applications , 1994 .

[35]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  A general extrapolation procedure revisited , 1994, Adv. Comput. Math..

[36]  Hélène Lavastre On the stochastic acceleration of sequences of random variables , 1994 .

[37]  A. H. Bentbib Acceleration of convergence of interval sequences , 1994 .

[38]  Marc Prévost,et al.  Acceleration property for the E-algorithm and an application to the summation of series , 1994, Adv. Comput. Math..

[39]  J. Pryce Numerical Solution of Sturm-Liouville Problems , 1994 .

[40]  H. Sadok Quasilinear vector extrapolation methods , 1993 .

[41]  B. Grammaticos,et al.  Integrable lattices and convergence acceleration algorithms , 1993 .

[42]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Extrapolation methods - theory and practice , 1993, Studies in computational mathematics.

[43]  Michela Redivo-Zaglia,et al.  Particular rules for the Θ-algorithm , 1992, Numerical Algorithms.

[44]  C. Brezinski,et al.  Extrapolation methods , 1992 .

[45]  Ramani,et al.  Do integrable mappings have the Painlevé property? , 1991, Physical review letters.

[46]  Khalide Jbilou,et al.  Some results about vector extrapolation methods and related fixed-point iterations , 1991 .

[47]  C. Brezinski,et al.  Construction of extrapolation processes , 1991 .

[48]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Sequences of transformations and triangular recursion schemes, with applications in numerical analysis , 1991 .

[49]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  History of continued fractions and Pade approximants , 1990, Springer series in computational mathematics.

[50]  Ana C. Matos Acceleration methods based on convergence tests , 1990 .

[51]  A. Sidi On a generalization of the Richardson extrapolation process , 1990 .

[52]  E. J. Weniger Nonlinear sequence transformations for the acceleration of convergence and the summation of divergent series , 1989, math/0306302.

[53]  J. Delahaye,et al.  Sequence Transformations , 1988 .

[54]  A. Sidi Extrapolation vs. projection methods for linear systems of equations , 1988 .

[55]  Avram Sidi,et al.  An algorithm for a generalization of the Richardson extrapolation process , 1987 .

[56]  Annie Cuyt,et al.  Nonlinear Methods in Numerical Analysis , 1987 .

[57]  M. Crouzeix,et al.  Analyse Numérique des équations Différentielles , 1987 .

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[59]  A. Benazzouz,et al.  A C 1 interpolant for codes based on backward differentiation formulae , 1986 .

[60]  A. Berlinet Sequence transformations as statistical tools , 1985 .

[61]  C. Brezinski Prediction properties of some extrapolation methods , 1985 .

[62]  C. Brezinski Composite sequence transformations , 1985 .

[63]  Jacques Dutka,et al.  Richardson extrapolation and Romberg integration , 1984 .

[64]  C. Brezinski,et al.  Convergence Acceleration by Extraction of Linear Subsequences , 1983 .

[65]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Recursive interpolation, extrapolation and projection * , 1983 .

[66]  P. R. Graves-Morris,et al.  Vector valued rational interpolants I. , 1983 .

[67]  G. Marchuk,et al.  Difference methods and their extrapolations , 1983 .

[68]  David Levin,et al.  Prediction Properties of the t-Transformation , 1983 .

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[70]  J. Delahaye Automatic selection of sequence transformations , 1981 .

[71]  B. Germain-Bonne,et al.  Résultats négatifs en accélération de la convergence , 1980 .

[72]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  A general extrapolation algorithm , 1980 .

[73]  T. Håvie,et al.  Generalized neville type extrapolation schemes , 1979 .

[74]  G. D. Taylor,et al.  Lower estimates for the error of best uniform approximation , 1976 .

[75]  C. Brezinski Generalisations de la transformation de shanks, de la table de Pade et de l'ε-algorithme , 1975 .

[76]  Claus Schneider,et al.  Vereinfachte Rekursionen zur Richardson-Extrapolation in Spezialfällen , 1975 .

[77]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  The solution of systems of equations using the -algorithm, and an application to boundary-value problems , 1974 .

[78]  P. R. Graves-Morris,et al.  Pade Approximants and their Applications , 1974 .

[79]  E. Gekeler,et al.  On the solution of systems of equations by the epsilon algorithm of Wynn , 1972 .

[80]  D. C. Joyce Survey of Extrapolation Processes in Numerical Analysis , 1971 .

[81]  H. L. Gray,et al.  Higher Order G-Transformation , 1971 .

[82]  C. Brezinski Etudes sur les ε- et ρ-algorithmes , 1971 .

[83]  Morikazu Toda,et al.  Waves in Nonlinear Lattice , 1970 .

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[103]  A. Ramani,et al.  Integrability — and how to detect it , 1997 .

[104]  K. M. Tamizhmani,et al.  Integrability of Nonlinear Systems , 1997 .

[105]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Projection methods for systems of equations , 1997 .

[106]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Variations on Richardson's method and acceleration. , 1996 .

[107]  A. Fdil Sélection entre procédés d'accélération de la convergence , 1996 .



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[112]  Carsten Carstensen,et al.  On a general epsilon algorithm , 1989 .

[113]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  A New Approach to Convergence Acceleration Methods , 1988 .

[114]  Claude Brezinski,et al.  Quasi-Linear Extrapolation Processes , 1988 .

[115]  Moulay Driss Benchiboun Etude de certaines généralisations du procédé d'Aitken et comparaison de procédés d'accélération de la convergence , 1987 .

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