가혹조건에서의 태양전지모듈 내구성 평가를 통한 최적의 시험조건 제안
To guarantee life time more than 20 years for manufacturer without stopping photovoltaic(PV) system, it is really important to test the module in realistic time and condition compared to outside weather. In here, we tested PV modules in highly stressed condition compared to IEC standards. In IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 standards, damp-heat, thermal cycle(TC200) and mechanical test are main test items for evaluating long-term durability of PV module in controlled temperature and humidity condition. So in this paper, we have lengthened the test time for TC200 and damp-heat test and increased the loading stress on surface of module. Through this test, we can get some clue of proper the method for measuring realistic life cycle of PV modules and suggested the minimum time for PV test method. The detail description is specified as the following paper.