Vliration SuppressionMotorD)rive Controlfor
Thispaperproposes anewgeneration methodof position reference without theresonant frequency andphase errorforindustrial robots. Itisimportant fortheindustrial robottodrivehighspeedandhighaccuracy. However, the vibration phenomienon isgenerated bytheresonant frequency insuchcases. Conventionally, thenotchfilter isusedtosuppress thevibration phenomenon. Itisabletoeliminate a particular frequency. However, italsohasadisadvantage thatthereference phaseerrorisgenerated. Generating thephaseerrorinthe reference, thecritical errorisgenerated inthelocus whichthe robot draws. Therefore, theaccuracy oftherobot isdeteriorated byusing thenotchfilter. Theproposed methodovercomes this problem byusing thecompensation gain. Thecompensation gain isusedtocalculate thereterence phase error. Thecompensation ofthereference phase errorisperformed bythefeedforward. Thesimulation results andtheexperimental results showthatthe proposed methodissuperior tosuppress theresonant frequency andimproves thephase error. Keywords- Resonant Frequency, NotchFilter, Residual Vibra- tion, PhaseError, Two-inertia Resonant System.
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