Path partitions and forward-only trellis algorithms

This is a semitutorial paper on trellis-based algorithms. We argue that most decoding/detection algorithms described on trellises can be formulated as path-partitioning algorithms, with proper definitions of mappings from subsets of paths to metrics of subsets. Thereby, the only two operations needed are path-concatenation and path-collection, which play the roles of multiplication and addition, respectively. Furthermore, we show that the trellis structure permits the path-partitioning algorithms to be formulated as forward-only algorithms (with structures resembling the Viterbi (1967) algorithm), thus eliminating the need for backward computations regardless of what task needs to be performed on the trellis. While all of the actual decoding/detection algorithms presented here are rederivations of variations of previously known methods, we believe that the exposition of the algorithms in a unified manner as forward-only path-partitioning algorithms is the most intuitive manner in which to generalize the Viterbi algorithm. We also believe that this approach may, in fact, influence the practical implementation of the algorithms as well as influence the construction of other forward-only algorithms (e.g., byte-wise forward-only detection algorithms).

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