Visualization of computer simulated heart temperature during topical cooling.
A local hypothermia is often used during cardiac operations to slow down the tissue metabolism. The heart is cooled down with cold cardioplegic solution. Sometimes even the topical cooling with or without ice slush is used. Different heart models have been used earlier to simulate heart temperature distribution, but the resolution of the model has always been limited by the speed of the computer. We used the computer heart model derived from Visible Human Dataset with the spatial resolution of 1 mm. In this article, the step-by-step generation of 3D computer heart model is described. The heat transfer was modeled by a diffusion equation that was discretised in space and time and solved by a parallel algorithm. Finally, the cooling of heart during an operation, with and without topical ice slush, was simulated on a cluster of 9 PC-based computers, which assured sufficient computing power. The simulated results are presented as images of cross sections in different planes with temperatures shown by different colors.