Clinical web environment to assist the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias

In this article we present a web application for an interactive and modular virtual clinical environment, (EDEVITALZH), which constitutes an essential part of an intelligent system of neural computation to assist the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias (SICONMID3), based on the HUMANN neural architecture. By using EDEVITALZH, it is possible to pre-diagnose dementia, to give a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and differential diagnosis of dementias in a more reliable and flexible way in primary care as well as in specialised centres, due to its use in a telemedicine format. EDEVITALZH presents a Global Clinical Protocol for Dementias (GCPD) implemented using a web interface supported by a three level modular architecture (data, diagnosis and communication security) that allows rigorous and easy data handling, as well as undertaking a previous analysis before diagnosis and comparative studies of patients regardless of their actual location and geographical position. EDEVITALZH permits the fusion of heterogeneous data, enabling data introduction to be processed and analysed ranging from the purely numerical to the imprecise sentences of natural speech, normally associated with clinical records and/or of histopathological interpretations, including multidimensional and multi-parameter signals. Key-Words: Web Environment, Internet, Artificial Neural Networks, Diagnosis of Dementias, Alzheimer s Disease.