Optimization of the Operation Rules of Multipurpose Multireservoir Systems; New Approach
In recent years Iran is ranked 4 th among countries having the highest number of dams under construction on her hydrosystems. This has called for a lot of work to be done in the area of dam planning and operation management. Karun basin is one of the sites where the constructions of several dams are carried out simultaneously. Karun river runs for 840 Km inland Iran before reaching to Persian Gulf, covering an area of 60,000 Km² as its basin with annual mean flow of 483 cms (based on 40 years of recorded data). According to some studies this river has 50 billion KWH per year hydropower potential; this is 1.8 times the current total country electric power generation. In this work the medium term operation rule for integrated systems of six dams in this basin is under consideration of which three are in operation and the others three coming to operation in the next 5 to 10 years. Total of 11 dams planned for this hydrosystem to be constructed in coming decades. The multireservoir system is multipurpose with agricultural, industrial, environmental and drinking water demands all with future developments in sight. The objective is to maximize the hydroelectric production subject to demands and physical constraints of the basin. Mathematical model for the system based on Stochastic Dynamic Programming is proved with some modifications to Bypass the Dimensionality Curse. Simulation of the system is built to provide generated flows for calibration and testing the precision and Robustness of the mathematical model used above. The seasonal rule curves for six storages together with Decision Support Systems software for operation management is the end result. All strategies given with the calculated risks for the manager use.