On the Mathematical Formulation of 4D Fock Space

Ordinary Fock space, defined as concatenated combination of three-dimensional spaces is the main workhorse of the canonical version of quantum field theory. It is also fundamental to the modern version of quantum field theory without observers, as in the theory of Everett, Wheeler and Deutsch, which led to the theory of the universal quantum computer. It also has many practical uses, from quantum optics to the closure of turbulence and the derivation of the emergent behavior of space-time dynamical systems. But many of us believe that time and space are interchangeable to some degree, and that methods based on 4D Fock space are needed. This letter describes two simple mathematical tools to help make that possible. It discusses how computing the emergent statistics of such systems is a proper generalization of value function estimation in machine learning, which may therefore carry the same complexities with it.