It is well known that the full reduction tree for any term of the typed 2-calculus is finite. However, it is not obvious how a reasonable estimate for its height might be obtained. Here we note that the head reduction tree has the property that the number of its nodes with conversions bounds the length of any reduction sequence*. The height of that tree, and hence also the number of its nodes, can be estimated using a technique due to Howard [31 which in turn is based on work of Sanchis [4] and Diller [11. This gives the desired upper bound. The method of Gandy [2] can also be used to obtain a bound for the length of arbitrary reduction sequences; this is carried out in [5]. However, the bound derived here, apart from being more intelligible, is also better. Let r, s, t denote terms of the typed 2-calculus. The level lev(r) of r is defined to be the level lev(Q) of its type Q, where ground types have level 0 and lev(Q~a) =max(lev(Q) + 1, lev(a)). For r of level 0 we define ~ r inductively by ~-Rule . If a ~rx[s]t , then I~, + l(~.xr)st.
H. J. Thiele,et al.
Helmat Schwichtenberg,et al.
Complexity of Normalization in the Pure Typed Lambda – Calculus
William A. Howard,et al.
Ordinal analysis of terms of finite type
Journal of Symbolic Logic.
Luis E. Sanchis,et al.
Functionals defined by recursion
Notre Dame J. Formal Log..
J. Roger Hindley,et al.
To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus, and Formalism
J. Diller,et al.
Zur Berechenbarkeit Primitiv-Rekursiver Funktionale Endlicher Typen